How To Access Cisco Switch in Networking

Technical Parashar
2 min readJun 29, 2021


In this blog, we will explain how to access Cisco Switch’s first time in the network. We need below following before the implementation.

It comes with a console cable. Connecting it on the switch end should be no problem. On the PC check to see if the console cable has DB9 or a USB connector. USB means you’re in business while a DB9 may need a DB9 to USB converter. Once the switch is connected to the PC and its power cable connected, download a terminal emulator program such as Putty.

Stop bits-> 1 Parity->none Flow control->none Bps->9600 Db->8 Then press enter in terminal.. should take you to initial config or Exec.


  • Console cable
  • Patch code
  • Power cables
  • Serial to USB converter


In step-1 We will firstly connect the console cable to the console port and connect the USB side to your PC.

After connecting the console cable we can check the status of the port on the PC by using the below command.

  • Firstly connect the console cable to the console port of Switch and connect USB Side to the PC.
  • Open the device Manager in PC by Command devmgmt.msc.
  • Check the Port Status in the device manager.
  • Window<Run<devmgmt.msc

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